Grand Theft Auto IV - Cheats
We prefer to think of them as "arbitrary gameplay enhancers", really.
Use Niko's cellphone to enter the cheat codes.
All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay. Bring up Niko's cellphone, use the table below to find the cheat you are looking for, and then enter
the cheat using the directional keypad on the phone. Once the cheat is entered, a 'Cheat Activated' message will appear.
WARNING: Some cheats will 'block' certain Xbox 360 achievements. Pay close attention to the warnings on-screen, and use the cheats at your own risk.
HealthRestore Niko's health = 4825550100
ArmourGive Niko armour. = 3625550100
Weapons (Advanced)Baseball Bat, Grenades, Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG. = 4865550100
Weapons (Poor)Knife, Molotovs, Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG. = 4865550150
Remove Wanted LevelRemove Niko's wanted level. Blocks achievement "Walked
free." = 2675550100
Raise Wanted LevelAdd one star to Niko's wanted level. = 2675550150
Change WeatherAlter the weather. = 4685550100
Spawn AnnihilatorSpawn an Annihilator in front of Niko. = 3595550100
Spawn JetmaxSpawn a Jetmax in front of Niko. = 9385550100
Spawn NRG-900Spawn an NRG-900 in front of Niko. = 6255550100
Spawn SanchezSpawn a Sanchez in front of Niko. = 6255550150
Spawn FIB BuffaloSpawn an FIB Buffalo in front of Niko. = 2275550100
Spawn CometSpawn a Comet in front of Niko. = 2275550175
Spawn TurismoSpawn a Turismo in front of Niko. = 2275550147
Spawn CognoscentiSpawn a Cognoscenti in front of Niko. = 2275550142
Spawn SuperGTSpawn a SuperGT in front of Niko. = 2275550168
We prefer to think of them as "arbitrary gameplay enhancers", really.
Use Niko's cellphone to enter the cheat codes.
All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay. Bring up Niko's cellphone, use the table below to find the cheat you are looking for, and then enter

WARNING: Some cheats will 'block' certain Xbox 360 achievements. Pay close attention to the warnings on-screen, and use the cheats at your own risk.
HealthRestore Niko's health = 4825550100
ArmourGive Niko armour. = 3625550100
Weapons (Advanced)Baseball Bat, Grenades, Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG. = 4865550100
Weapons (Poor)Knife, Molotovs, Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG. = 4865550150
Remove Wanted LevelRemove Niko's wanted level. Blocks achievement "Walked
free." = 2675550100
Raise Wanted LevelAdd one star to Niko's wanted level. = 2675550150
Change WeatherAlter the weather. = 4685550100
Spawn AnnihilatorSpawn an Annihilator in front of Niko. = 3595550100
Spawn JetmaxSpawn a Jetmax in front of Niko. = 9385550100
Spawn NRG-900Spawn an NRG-900 in front of Niko. = 6255550100
Spawn SanchezSpawn a Sanchez in front of Niko. = 6255550150
Spawn FIB BuffaloSpawn an FIB Buffalo in front of Niko. = 2275550100
Spawn CometSpawn a Comet in front of Niko. = 2275550175
Spawn TurismoSpawn a Turismo in front of Niko. = 2275550147
Spawn CognoscentiSpawn a Cognoscenti in front of Niko. = 2275550142
Spawn SuperGTSpawn a SuperGT in front of Niko. = 2275550168
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