Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes (CoH) is a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game developed for Microsoft
Windows by Relic Entertainment. It was announced on April 25, 2005, released on September 14, 2006, and was the first title to make use of the Games for Windows label. The game was released on Steam on July 17, 2007
The resource management in Company of Heroes retains micromanagement details such as reinforcing troops, which has the effect of creating a more tactical RTS experience.
Players must take control of certain points on the map. The more of these points a player controls, the more resources they acquire. This concept demands constant expansion of a player's territory. These points are connected like supply lines, and so, during the course of a battle a player can capture one point in the supply line, isolating the rest which had been connected to the base through it, therefore severely reducing the enemy's resource intake.
Players collect three resources: fuel, munitions, and manpower. Fuel allows players to purchase tanks and other vehicles, as well as global upgrades. Munitions allows players to upgrade individual squads or vehicles and use special abilities. Manpower is necessary for all units. The player can decide, at a manpower cost, to place observation posts on their resource points in order to increase their production and make them more durable against enemy takeovers, which means sacrificing resources in the short-term for a greater long-term intake. Resource points must also be connected, if not, that captured point could not produce resources.
Game units generally require a sizable amount of resources to produce. This separates Company of Heroes from other games in the RTS genre, where large amounts of massed units are a common sight
As the game takes place in World War II, the player can decide to fight as either the Allied or Axis forces, of
which require very different tactics to play. Allied units tend to be cheaper, more numerous, and more versatile, whereas Axis units tend to be more expensive and fewer in number, but often more powerful in their role than their Allied counterparts.
The main American army soldiers are riflemen squads, which can pick up certain weapons to give them the upper hand. Engineers can build defenses such as machine-gun nests, which are garrisonable by infantry units, and 105mm artillery guns, which can hit halfway across the map. The Allies can also deploy M4 Sherman tanks, along with M10 tank destroyers, and the Sherman Crocodile, which is equipped with a flamethrower. Allied tanks are more mobile than their Axis counterparts, but have weaker armor and firepower. With commander tree support, the Allies are capable of deploying the superior M26 Pershing heavy tank, call in airborne units, which can be equipped with recoiless rifles, and rangers, which come equipped with two Bazookas and can be upgraded with Thompson SMGs.
The Axis Wehrmacht forces include infantry, like the conscript Volksgrenadier militia, and mid-tier infantry like grenadiers, Waffen-SS stormtroopers, or elite squads of soldiers awarded the Knight's Cross. Axis field operations can be supplemented by specialized equipment like the Nebelwerfer rocket artillery. Axis armor is far less mobile, but in direct combat generally superior, fielding equipment like StuG IV, StuH 42 assault guns, Panzer IV and Panther tanks. With specialized commander focus, Axis forces can deploy superior units, like the Tiger I tank or the "King Tiger" Tiger II tank.
Expanding on the cover system implemented in Dawn of War, units in COH automatically seek out cover (such as sandbags, walls, and destroyed vehicles) without orders from the player to give them an advantage over enemy forces. Units hiding in cover gain a defense bonus, making them more effective in combat. Green cover signifies heavy cover, while yellow signifies light cover. Utilizing cover effectively in CoH is essential to victory. The advanced AI is also aware of its surroundings and reacts realistically according to the situation.
Infantry units, such as an Allied rifleman squad, can pick up heavy weapons (Panzerschreck, M9 Bazooka), man heavy weapons like machine-guns, anti-tank artillery, or mortars, and pick up and use certain automatic weapons (examples are the Browning Automatic Rifle or for the Germans, the LMG variant of the MG42.)
Unlike Dawn of War, squads of units must be near a headquarters (HQ), forward barracks, or half-track vehicle to reinforce (replenish) lost units within the squad. American airborne troops are exempt from this limitation as reinforcements are parachuted to the field. Some units can be upgraded, for example, a .50 caliber machine gun can be equipped for a Sherman tank, or Panzerschrecks for Axis infantry units. Certain add-ons or upgrades affect unit abilities, like the Sherman's crab flail which can clear mines and destroy enemy infantry, but reduces the speed of the tank while in use.
The game utilizes a physics engine, different types of cover are more effective against certain units. For example, some types of cover can be destroyed by tanks
Game modes
Victory Point Control
Victory Point Control games have several victory points around the middle of the map. These victory points can be captured similarly to strategic points. When one side has more victory points under their control than another, the other side's "points" start to decrease. When one side runs out of points, they lose. Alternatively, the player can simply destroy all enemy buildings to win the game. Before the start of the game, the host can choose between 250, 500, or 1000 points. The point function in Company of Heroes works much like the ticket feature in the Battlefield (series).
Annihilation games lack the victory points of the Victory Point Control game mode. To win, the player needs to destroy all enemy buildings. This does not include observation posts — only base structures, bunkers, and controlled buildings need to be destroyed.
Company of Heroes is set during World War II where the player commands two U.S. military units during the Battle of Normandy and the Allied capture of France. Depending on the mission, the player controls either the Able Company or Fox Company, the latter being from the 101st Airborne, and the former being part of the 29th Infantry Division.
Single player campaign
The single player campaign puts the player directly in some of the major American operations during the Battle of Normandy.
The game begins with Able Company's assault at Omaha Beach during D-Day of Operation Overlord - Able must first breach the seawall, then take out German bunkers overlooking the beach, and finally disable the Flak 88 anti air guns. The game also introduces two of the game’s major characters: Captain Mackay and Sergeant Conti.
Battle of Carentan
The next three missions are about Fox Company and their actions during the capture and defense of Carentan. Fox Company must first regroup after the chaotic airdrops at Vierville, which occurred several hours before H-Hour on D-Day, and also disrupt enemy operations in rear areas to open new drop zones and prevent the Germans from reinforcing the beaches. This mission includes destroying or capturing AA Guns and conducting an ambush to a German convoy.
Fox Company is then tasked to capture the city of Carentan to secure a link between Utah and Omaha beach and to defend it against ferocious German counterattack. Though constantly bombarded by artillery, Fox Company is eventually relieved when Able Company arrives at the city and the link between Utah and Omaha beach is finally secure.
Battle of Cherbourg
Able and Dog Company form the spearhead of the Allied advance to secure Cherbourg and its deep water port. En route to Cherbourg, Allied supply route is threatened by elements of the Panzer Lehr division commanded by Hauptmann Shultz, and Dog Company is ambushed in the process. Able Company manages to drive the Germans back and defend the supply route for the "Red Ball Express" to pass through, but by doing so Able Company also becomes the nemesis of the Panzer Lehr division and Captain Shultz for the rest of the campaign.
With the flank secure, the Allies continue to advance onto Cherbourg. Able and Dog Company, supported by the 4th Cavalry and the USS Texas, are tasked with capture of the port facilities. Although Able Company successfully subdues the German defenders and captures thousands of prisoners, the port has been badly damaged and is unusable to the Allies.
However, after the battle, Able Company found documents from an Axis bunker which shows a V-2 Rocket launch site near Sottevast. Fox Company has been called in to conduct an airborne assault on the V2 facility, while elements of Able Company rush to the site with armor support.
Operation Cobra
American forces begin to approach the city of St. Lo and Able Company is arriving from the north. German defenders at St. Fromond hope to stop Able Company’s advance by blowing up the only bridge leading into the town. Able Company repaired the bridge under fire from across the river, and drove the Germans out of the town. German defenders regroup and organized several counterattacks with rocket battery support, but all assaults against Able Company are thrown back with heavy casualties.
Charlie Company is destroyed by the defending Panzer Lehr division under the command of Captain Shultz, while attempting to secure Hill 192 at the outskirt of St. Lo. Able Company is assigned to take the hill. Hedgerows around the hill and hidden flak 88 batteries provided formidable defensive position against the Allies, but Able Company managed to break through by employing bulldozer equipped Sherman tanks to plow through the hedgerows and flank the Germans.
German defenders at St. Lo decide to hold out against American forces by heavily fortifying the city center, but Able Company planned to surround and trap the German defenders at the city center rather than a head-on assault. Although the operation is successful, some German units, including the Panzer Lehr division, manage to escape destruction. Able Company call in the 8th Air For
ce in response and the escaping Germans units suffered heavily due to carpet bombing.
Badly reduced and under constant air attack, the shattered Panzer Lehr division is being chased by American forces, and Able Company managed to intercept what is left of the division at Hébécrevon. A raid is conducted with fast moving M10 tank destroyers against the Panzer Lehr division's positions, and almost all of Panzer Lehr division's armor strength, including the last 7 surviving Panther tanks, are completely wiped out. However, during the course of the mission, Captain MacKay is killed when he gets caught in the blast of a tank shell fired by a Tiger under the personal command of Captain Shultz.
Operation Lüttich
After losing their commander, newly promoted Lieutenant Conti is taking command of Able Company. Able Company is taking a break from the war, and has been reassigned to Mortain to relieve Dog Company at Hill 317. Unfortunately, on that night, Mortain becomes the focal point of a German counterattack against recent American successes. Surprised and outnumbered, Able Company is forced to hold the hill until reinforcements can arrive in the morning.
Dog Company arrives the following morning with armor support and Able Company begin to dig in and consolidate their positions. German forces renew the counterattack in force after their surprise night attack has failed to take the hill, but all attempts are beaten back. Able Company successfully force the Germans to retreat after inflicting heavy losses, including the destruction of a Flak 88 battery.
Falaise Pocket
The last section of the single player campaign deals with the destruction of German forces in France. After suffering a string of defeats, the German army is forced to retreat in order to avoid encirclement. Allied forces are racing to trap the German army before it can escape. Baker Company is assigned to shut down one of the escape routes at Autry, but Captain Shultz's Panzergruppe, which escaped the destruction of the Panzer Lehr division, annihilates them. Able Company rushes to the scene with M26 Pershing support and destroys Captain Shultz's Panzer Gruppe in return. Captain Shultz's Tiger is among those tanks destroyed in the battle, and Captain MacKay's death has been avenged.
Chambois becomes the German Seventh Army's last hope for escaping the Falaise Pocket. With heavy air cover, Canadian, Polish and American forces, led by Able Company, secure all bridges around Chambois and close the Falaise Pocket. The German Seventh Army attempts to break free, but they are met with heavy aerial bombardment and are forced to surrender.
The campaign ends with the caption that Able Company had suffered 80% casualties at the end of World War II.
Distinguished characters
Captain Sam MacKay
The commander of Able Company. He appears to be an Army Ranger by his character model, although he commands a regular infantry company. He is killed by Hauptmann Shultz as revenge, when Able Company successfully obliterated his unit after the battle of St. Lo. He seems to be based on Tom Hanks character in the film Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller.
Sergeant (later Lieutenant) Joe Conti
Served as the First Sergeant of Able Company under Captain MacKay, and is a close friend to MacKay ever since boot camp. He is revealed to be the game's narrator. He is almost killed alongside Captain MacKay, and soon afterwards promoted to Lieutenant. Lieutenant Conti commands Able Company for the rest of the game.
Hauptmann Shultz
A German "Tiger Ace" captain from the Panzer Lehr division. He serves as the personal antagonist of Able company. He commands the Panzer Gruppe that attacks the Red Ball Express, where his unit first met Able Company and are badly beaten. Suffering from heavy losses, he watches Captain MacKay from afar while his unit is busy retreating. He later crosses path with Able Company while commanding the forces defending St. Lo, but managed to escape encirclement by Able Company. He kills Captain MacKay when his unit is destroyed while retreating from St. Lo, and Able Company later conducts their revenge on Shultz while his Panzer Gruppe is being destroyed at Autry.
An M10 Wolverine and American troops in the Essence Engine.
Company of Heroes is Relic's first title to make use of a new type of engine, known as the "Essence Engine". This engine was designed and coded from scratch by Relic in order to make use of special graphical effects, including high dynamic range lighting, dynamic lighting & shadows, advanced shader effects and normal mapping.
COH is rendered in 3D with intricate detailing on the infantry, vehicles and structures while still retaining a solid frame-rate, without, Relic claims, the need for a high-end gaming system. It claims that there are nearly 2,000 different animations for a basic infantry unit alone.
Company of Heroes also utilizes the Havok 3 physics engine, giving it a more realistic physics system than previous RTS games. Parts of buildings can be destroyed by grenades, satchels or mortars, and tanks can drive through sections of walls or other barriers. Smoke created from explosions is programmed to behave as realistically as possible and can even be influenced by wind. Debris is also influenced by explosions; a blast can send barrels flying and shower troops in dirt, whilst leaving behind a large crater. When infantry are bombarded by artillery, body parts sometimes detach and are dispersed over, and some units even getting thrown about in the immediate area. Bridges and buildings can be destroyed by engineers using demolitions.
On May 29, 2007 Relic released a patch for Company of Heroes that included a new DirectX 10 rendering mode with enhanced terrain, additional world objects, and improved shadows and lighting. This patch made Company of Heroes the first commercial video game to support Direct3D 10.
Company of Heroes (CoH) is a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game developed for Microsoft

The resource management in Company of Heroes retains micromanagement details such as reinforcing troops, which has the effect of creating a more tactical RTS experience.
Players must take control of certain points on the map. The more of these points a player controls, the more resources they acquire. This concept demands constant expansion of a player's territory. These points are connected like supply lines, and so, during the course of a battle a player can capture one point in the supply line, isolating the rest which had been connected to the base through it, therefore severely reducing the enemy's resource intake.
Players collect three resources: fuel, munitions, and manpower. Fuel allows players to purchase tanks and other vehicles, as well as global upgrades. Munitions allows players to upgrade individual squads or vehicles and use special abilities. Manpower is necessary for all units. The player can decide, at a manpower cost, to place observation posts on their resource points in order to increase their production and make them more durable against enemy takeovers, which means sacrificing resources in the short-term for a greater long-term intake. Resource points must also be connected, if not, that captured point could not produce resources.
Game units generally require a sizable amount of resources to produce. This separates Company of Heroes from other games in the RTS genre, where large amounts of massed units are a common sight
As the game takes place in World War II, the player can decide to fight as either the Allied or Axis forces, of

The main American army soldiers are riflemen squads, which can pick up certain weapons to give them the upper hand. Engineers can build defenses such as machine-gun nests, which are garrisonable by infantry units, and 105mm artillery guns, which can hit halfway across the map. The Allies can also deploy M4 Sherman tanks, along with M10 tank destroyers, and the Sherman Crocodile, which is equipped with a flamethrower. Allied tanks are more mobile than their Axis counterparts, but have weaker armor and firepower. With commander tree support, the Allies are capable of deploying the superior M26 Pershing heavy tank, call in airborne units, which can be equipped with recoiless rifles, and rangers, which come equipped with two Bazookas and can be upgraded with Thompson SMGs.
The Axis Wehrmacht forces include infantry, like the conscript Volksgrenadier militia, and mid-tier infantry like grenadiers, Waffen-SS stormtroopers, or elite squads of soldiers awarded the Knight's Cross. Axis field operations can be supplemented by specialized equipment like the Nebelwerfer rocket artillery. Axis armor is far less mobile, but in direct combat generally superior, fielding equipment like StuG IV, StuH 42 assault guns, Panzer IV and Panther tanks. With specialized commander focus, Axis forces can deploy superior units, like the Tiger I tank or the "King Tiger" Tiger II tank.
Expanding on the cover system implemented in Dawn of War, units in COH automatically seek out cover (such as sandbags, walls, and destroyed vehicles) without orders from the player to give them an advantage over enemy forces. Units hiding in cover gain a defense bonus, making them more effective in combat. Green cover signifies heavy cover, while yellow signifies light cover. Utilizing cover effectively in CoH is essential to victory. The advanced AI is also aware of its surroundings and reacts realistically according to the situation.
Infantry units, such as an Allied rifleman squad, can pick up heavy weapons (Panzerschreck, M9 Bazooka), man heavy weapons like machine-guns, anti-tank artillery, or mortars, and pick up and use certain automatic weapons (examples are the Browning Automatic Rifle or for the Germans, the LMG variant of the MG42.)
Unlike Dawn of War, squads of units must be near a headquarters (HQ), forward barracks, or half-track vehicle to reinforce (replenish) lost units within the squad. American airborne troops are exempt from this limitation as reinforcements are parachuted to the field. Some units can be upgraded, for example, a .50 caliber machine gun can be equipped for a Sherman tank, or Panzerschrecks for Axis infantry units. Certain add-ons or upgrades affect unit abilities, like the Sherman's crab flail which can clear mines and destroy enemy infantry, but reduces the speed of the tank while in use.
The game utilizes a physics engine, different types of cover are more effective against certain units. For example, some types of cover can be destroyed by tanks
Game modes
Victory Point Control

Victory Point Control games have several victory points around the middle of the map. These victory points can be captured similarly to strategic points. When one side has more victory points under their control than another, the other side's "points" start to decrease. When one side runs out of points, they lose. Alternatively, the player can simply destroy all enemy buildings to win the game. Before the start of the game, the host can choose between 250, 500, or 1000 points. The point function in Company of Heroes works much like the ticket feature in the Battlefield (series).
Annihilation games lack the victory points of the Victory Point Control game mode. To win, the player needs to destroy all enemy buildings. This does not include observation posts — only base structures, bunkers, and controlled buildings need to be destroyed.
Company of Heroes is set during World War II where the player commands two U.S. military units during the Battle of Normandy and the Allied capture of France. Depending on the mission, the player controls either the Able Company or Fox Company, the latter being from the 101st Airborne, and the former being part of the 29th Infantry Division.
Single player campaign
The single player campaign puts the player directly in some of the major American operations during the Battle of Normandy.
The game begins with Able Company's assault at Omaha Beach during D-Day of Operation Overlord - Able must first breach the seawall, then take out German bunkers overlooking the beach, and finally disable the Flak 88 anti air guns. The game also introduces two of the game’s major characters: Captain Mackay and Sergeant Conti.
Battle of Carentan
The next three missions are about Fox Company and their actions during the capture and defense of Carentan. Fox Company must first regroup after the chaotic airdrops at Vierville, which occurred several hours before H-Hour on D-Day, and also disrupt enemy operations in rear areas to open new drop zones and prevent the Germans from reinforcing the beaches. This mission includes destroying or capturing AA Guns and conducting an ambush to a German convoy.
Fox Company is then tasked to capture the city of Carentan to secure a link between Utah and Omaha beach and to defend it against ferocious German counterattack. Though constantly bombarded by artillery, Fox Company is eventually relieved when Able Company arrives at the city and the link between Utah and Omaha beach is finally secure.
Battle of Cherbourg

Able and Dog Company form the spearhead of the Allied advance to secure Cherbourg and its deep water port. En route to Cherbourg, Allied supply route is threatened by elements of the Panzer Lehr division commanded by Hauptmann Shultz, and Dog Company is ambushed in the process. Able Company manages to drive the Germans back and defend the supply route for the "Red Ball Express" to pass through, but by doing so Able Company also becomes the nemesis of the Panzer Lehr division and Captain Shultz for the rest of the campaign.
With the flank secure, the Allies continue to advance onto Cherbourg. Able and Dog Company, supported by the 4th Cavalry and the USS Texas, are tasked with capture of the port facilities. Although Able Company successfully subdues the German defenders and captures thousands of prisoners, the port has been badly damaged and is unusable to the Allies.
However, after the battle, Able Company found documents from an Axis bunker which shows a V-2 Rocket launch site near Sottevast. Fox Company has been called in to conduct an airborne assault on the V2 facility, while elements of Able Company rush to the site with armor support.
Operation Cobra
American forces begin to approach the city of St. Lo and Able Company is arriving from the north. German defenders at St. Fromond hope to stop Able Company’s advance by blowing up the only bridge leading into the town. Able Company repaired the bridge under fire from across the river, and drove the Germans out of the town. German defenders regroup and organized several counterattacks with rocket battery support, but all assaults against Able Company are thrown back with heavy casualties.
Charlie Company is destroyed by the defending Panzer Lehr division under the command of Captain Shultz, while attempting to secure Hill 192 at the outskirt of St. Lo. Able Company is assigned to take the hill. Hedgerows around the hill and hidden flak 88 batteries provided formidable defensive position against the Allies, but Able Company managed to break through by employing bulldozer equipped Sherman tanks to plow through the hedgerows and flank the Germans.
German defenders at St. Lo decide to hold out against American forces by heavily fortifying the city center, but Able Company planned to surround and trap the German defenders at the city center rather than a head-on assault. Although the operation is successful, some German units, including the Panzer Lehr division, manage to escape destruction. Able Company call in the 8th Air For

Badly reduced and under constant air attack, the shattered Panzer Lehr division is being chased by American forces, and Able Company managed to intercept what is left of the division at Hébécrevon. A raid is conducted with fast moving M10 tank destroyers against the Panzer Lehr division's positions, and almost all of Panzer Lehr division's armor strength, including the last 7 surviving Panther tanks, are completely wiped out. However, during the course of the mission, Captain MacKay is killed when he gets caught in the blast of a tank shell fired by a Tiger under the personal command of Captain Shultz.
Operation Lüttich
After losing their commander, newly promoted Lieutenant Conti is taking command of Able Company. Able Company is taking a break from the war, and has been reassigned to Mortain to relieve Dog Company at Hill 317. Unfortunately, on that night, Mortain becomes the focal point of a German counterattack against recent American successes. Surprised and outnumbered, Able Company is forced to hold the hill until reinforcements can arrive in the morning.
Dog Company arrives the following morning with armor support and Able Company begin to dig in and consolidate their positions. German forces renew the counterattack in force after their surprise night attack has failed to take the hill, but all attempts are beaten back. Able Company successfully force the Germans to retreat after inflicting heavy losses, including the destruction of a Flak 88 battery.
Falaise Pocket
The last section of the single player campaign deals with the destruction of German forces in France. After suffering a string of defeats, the German army is forced to retreat in order to avoid encirclement. Allied forces are racing to trap the German army before it can escape. Baker Company is assigned to shut down one of the escape routes at Autry, but Captain Shultz's Panzergruppe, which escaped the destruction of the Panzer Lehr division, annihilates them. Able Company rushes to the scene with M26 Pershing support and destroys Captain Shultz's Panzer Gruppe in return. Captain Shultz's Tiger is among those tanks destroyed in the battle, and Captain MacKay's death has been avenged.
Chambois becomes the German Seventh Army's last hope for escaping the Falaise Pocket. With heavy air cover, Canadian, Polish and American forces, led by Able Company, secure all bridges around Chambois and close the Falaise Pocket. The German Seventh Army attempts to break free, but they are met with heavy aerial bombardment and are forced to surrender.
The campaign ends with the caption that Able Company had suffered 80% casualties at the end of World War II.
Distinguished characters
Captain Sam MacKay
The commander of Able Company. He appears to be an Army Ranger by his character model, although he commands a regular infantry company. He is killed by Hauptmann Shultz as revenge, when Able Company successfully obliterated his unit after the battle of St. Lo. He seems to be based on Tom Hanks character in the film Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller.
Sergeant (later Lieutenant) Joe Conti
Served as the First Sergeant of Able Company under Captain MacKay, and is a close friend to MacKay ever since boot camp. He is revealed to be the game's narrator. He is almost killed alongside Captain MacKay, and soon afterwards promoted to Lieutenant. Lieutenant Conti commands Able Company for the rest of the game.
Hauptmann Shultz
A German "Tiger Ace" captain from the Panzer Lehr division. He serves as the personal antagonist of Able company. He commands the Panzer Gruppe that attacks the Red Ball Express, where his unit first met Able Company and are badly beaten. Suffering from heavy losses, he watches Captain MacKay from afar while his unit is busy retreating. He later crosses path with Able Company while commanding the forces defending St. Lo, but managed to escape encirclement by Able Company. He kills Captain MacKay when his unit is destroyed while retreating from St. Lo, and Able Company later conducts their revenge on Shultz while his Panzer Gruppe is being destroyed at Autry.
An M10 Wolverine and American troops in the Essence Engine.

Company of Heroes is Relic's first title to make use of a new type of engine, known as the "Essence Engine". This engine was designed and coded from scratch by Relic in order to make use of special graphical effects, including high dynamic range lighting, dynamic lighting & shadows, advanced shader effects and normal mapping.
COH is rendered in 3D with intricate detailing on the infantry, vehicles and structures while still retaining a solid frame-rate, without, Relic claims, the need for a high-end gaming system. It claims that there are nearly 2,000 different animations for a basic infantry unit alone.
Company of Heroes also utilizes the Havok 3 physics engine, giving it a more realistic physics system than previous RTS games. Parts of buildings can be destroyed by grenades, satchels or mortars, and tanks can drive through sections of walls or other barriers. Smoke created from explosions is programmed to behave as realistically as possible and can even be influenced by wind. Debris is also influenced by explosions; a blast can send barrels flying and shower troops in dirt, whilst leaving behind a large crater. When infantry are bombarded by artillery, body parts sometimes detach and are dispersed over, and some units even getting thrown about in the immediate area. Bridges and buildings can be destroyed by engineers using demolitions.
On May 29, 2007 Relic released a patch for Company of Heroes that included a new DirectX 10 rendering mode with enhanced terrain, additional world objects, and improved shadows and lighting. This patch made Company of Heroes the first commercial video game to support Direct3D 10.